
Can Apple Watch resemble iconic luxury watches?

This exercise conceptually merges the aesthetics of several iconic high-end watches with the Apple Watch, with arguments aside for the appreciation of…

The next-generation iMac

The next-generation iMac, with Multi-Touch, Retina display, Siri, motion recognition, and OS XI; this is the future of the home computer. Introducing …

The Apple Gamepad

Introducing the Apple Gamepad, an intuitive wireless gaming accessory that works seamlessly with your Mac or iOS devices. The Core of the gamepad cont…

The all-new Magic Remote

The idea of this device puts forth the notion of placing users remote from the computer, without reducing the Multi-Touch user/interface interaction. …

Default new tab page for Firefox

This is a feedback to Mozilla Lab’s default new tab page for the upcoming Firefox. The header should not only introduce the browser’s br…

The next-generation Apple Mouse

The next-generation Apple Mouse, the world’s most advance mouse, and here’s why. Our Apple engineers were able to bring Multi-Touch techn…

Objectified by Gary Hustwit

Objectified, a design documentary by Gary Hustwit, the director of Helvetica. Screening at film festivals, cinemas, and special events worldwide. 1. T…

The Kindle of the future

“The Amazon Kindle is a revolutionary product for publishing; the breakthrough device in bringing published content straight to your hands. It i…

“We’ve had enough of frivolity”

“There are other priorities now. Perhaps in 30 years it will be interesting to come back and speak about the beauty of a chair or a lamp, but to…

McDonald’s unbranded in Japan

“On November 5th, a launch campaign began in Tokyo, with two McDonald’s locations in Shibuya and Omotesando being totally converted to &#…

Webpage re-designs of 2008

Revised on September 26, 2008. There has been a surge of webpage re-designs in 2008, though some may be controversial, the momentum of Web 2.0 has con…

“A little goes a long way.”

“The bottleneck saver is designed to be attached to liquid soap dispenser necks and restricts the amount dispensed in order to reduce unnecessar…